Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Spaciousness and Grace


Closeness more Close

Spaciousness and Compassion

Feb 11, 2016

Saying For Today: This may be the most difficult and most wonderful death to die - death to faith in the ultimate of and need for personal love.


All is Welcome Here

Living in Love beyond Beliefs

The Monk

Spirit creates spaciousness, dissolving boundaries - the self does not, cannot. This means openness to others, to Life. Spaciousness is room for exploration and the joy of new ventures, the arising of the unexpected fresh in any moment. Spaciousness, ironically, while more expansive, allows a more intimate Closeness. Spaciousness provides terrain for the next welcome of Closeness more close. This means the more in the direction of no-boundary, the more realization of Love - beyond feelings of love, which are always feelings of the self.

An image from Christianity is the posture of the Cross. See the arms stretched wide, see Jesus open, receptivity, so free even in death. When opening, this always means in all directions, for spaciousness excludes prejudice, includes compassion wedded with insight. "Father," he says, "forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." Being taken in and to Love, there is release from the cramped, stuffy closet of self-constriction.

Love is already in Love, for Love is one with Love. Love can only become Itself, as Love expresses Itself. Love, again not personal loving feelings, is this Spaciousness-in-Grace. Freedom from attachment to and clinging for personal feelings of love is one with the opening of Love to Love. This may be the most difficult and most wonderful death to die - death to faith in the ultimate of and need for personal love. Allow this sweet dying, spaciousness will happen, happens. Life shows Itself beyond all personal or impersonal, yet can dance as either.

On Top of the World, Looking Up at Christ the Redeemer.

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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Spaciousness and Grace

©Brian Wilcox 2024